Exploring Biblical Theology

Discover the scriptural bridges connecting the Tanakh and the New Testament, delving deeper into your relationship with Yeshua and Yahweh.

Blog Topics

Check out the different areas of focus used to enhance our understanding of scripture and God.

Personal Exploration

Reflect on personal stories and experiences that guide my pursuit of faithful connection with God in a deeply personal way.

Yeshua in the Tanakh

Discover how Jesus is intricately woven into the narratives of the Old Testament, unveiling deeper layers of biblical connections.

The Tanakh & the New Testament

Uncover scriptural bridges, intertwining stories and messages that enrich your spiritual understanding.

Purpose and Drive

Faithful Surrender bridges the biblical theology from the Tanakh and the New Testament, offering insights into the relationship between Yeshua, Jesus the Messiah, and Yahweh, fostering a deeper spiritual understanding.

Why Read Faithful Surrender

Our unique approach combines biblical theology with personal experiences, mental health perspectives, and deep spiritual insights to foster a deeper connection with and understanding of God.

Human-Centered Experiences

I seek to use my expertise in mental healthcare and my own personal experience to aid in the exploration of biblical meaning, fostering genuine connections with God and each other. I will, at all times, defer to scripture and will make every effort to not read my own understanding or narrative into scripture.

Healing through Faith

Faithful Surrender’s approach integrates my experience and training with mental health and healing, aiming to provide an accurate understanding of the scriptures with respect to God’s healing touch.

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